What you see is what you get

With the slogan "What you see is what you get", we informed consumers in the first phase about the amendment of the Tabaks- en rookwarenwet (Tobacco and Tobacco Products Act) and the placement of deterrent photographs and warnings on tobacco products. The second phase of the campaign discouraged people from using tobacco and encouraged smokers to quit. The triggering slogan "What will you get? When you quit smoking' was positively framed: quitting will get you something.

Positive approach

We named the immediate benefits as research shows that this is more effective than naming the long-term outcomes. This second phase was well timed with people’s New Year's resolutions. The campaign ran via banners, street interviews, polls on Facebook and Instagram and the Sanoma and Google banner network.

Want to know more? View the fact sheet on the content and results of the campaign.

Factsheet campaign (NL)