Community building and coordination

Building a network is one thing, keeping a network alive is much more difficult. Since 2019, we have been doing this for the municipality of The Hague. As coordinator of the network, we connect all parties and drive the participation process in order for the ambition to make all buildings in The Hague climate-neutral by 2040 to become concrete.

Together with the municipality and the network members we determine the network’s agenda. Additionally, we run the secretariat. We coordinate the bi-monthly meetings and we strengthen the network by involving existing and new parties. We strategically and pragmatically connect all parties to shape the energy transition in The Hague.

Heat Transition Vision

In 2021, HEN made an important contribution to the Transition Vision Heat (TVW) of the municipality of The Hague by co-thinking and sharing ideas about the principles and decision criteria. In the coming period HEN will remain involved in the TVW and the network will remain an important touchstone for municipal policy on this issue.