Communication about integrated approach

Together with Wageningen Livestock Research and LTO, we supported the communication for an integrated approach (Integraal Aanpakken), while also providing additional expertise. We communicated about the integrated approach with positivity, looking towards the future and keeping the farmer in mind.

Our aim was to publicise the projects under this approach; share the results of projects; and impart knowledge to present opportunities for farmers to reduce their emissions. Visual communication played a vital role in clearly conveying the complex relationship between climate change, methane, ammonia and livestock farming. We also developed the Integraal Aanpakken website on the Groen Kennisnet knowledge platform to disseminate the knowledge gained in an optimal and accesible environment.

Together with and for the livestock industry

The aim of Integraal Aanpakken is to gain insight and determine workable measures on how livestock farmers can adapt their businesses in a profitable and future-oriented manner. An integrated approach is the main focus for this research – after all, a sustainable future for livestock farming requires meeting the needs of society and more. This approach aims to offer livestock farms in the Netherlands a choice of appropriate measures for every type of soil, as well as measures that also improve business output.