
Senior Consultant

Johanna Junker

During my studies at Wageningen University I became fascinated by the complexity of our food system and the role of communication in our daily eating choices. Which buttons can you turn to encourage consumers to eat healthier? And what responsibilities do manufacturers and governments have to influence the eating behavior of consumers? When I started looking for a job after my studies, I wanted to work for an organization that deals with these issues and contributes to a sustainable and healthy future.

About Johanna

The combination of my passion for food and my background in communication come together nicely at S&P. As an advisor in the Food Transition team, I help organizations in the food sector with strategic (communication) issues. I enjoy devising and executing an approach from A to Z. I get the most energy from quickly analyzing complex information, brainstorming with my creative colleagues and drafting a well-thought-out plan.

Contact Johanna